- Formal Analysis of Real-World Security Protocols (2024-2025). An advanced course in formal analysis of security protocols. The first half of the course covers the foundations of protocol verification in the symbolic model. In the second part, we use a state-of-the-art cryptographic verification tool, the Tamarin prover, to model and analyze security protocols.
- Network Security (2017-2023). An advanced course in network security. Topics include common security technologies for networking and communication in distributed systems.
- Information Security (2017-2022). An introductory course in information security. Topics include key concepts and abstractions of information security.
- Data Structures and Algorithms (2017). An introductory course in the principles of algorithm analysis and elementary data structures.
- Theoretical Computer Science (2016). An introductory course in basic concepts of theoretical computer science.
Summer Schools
- Summer School in Cyber Security (2020). A one-week practical hands-on course in security analysis and penetration testing. The course was organized for the students of an Erasmus Mundus joint master degree programme in Security and Cloud Computing (SECCLO).
- At Saarland University, I have advised one bachelor’s thesis.
- At Aalto University, I have supervised seven bachelor’s theses and eight seminar papers (by master’s students). I have advised one master’s thesis. I have supervised several research and course assistants in 2018-2023.